Rosalyn Terborg-Penn
Thursday, May 1906:45 - 08:30 PM
Opening Roundtable
The Long Struggle for Civil Rights and Black Freedom
Rosalyn Terborg-Penn, Ph. D. is University Professor Emerita at Morgan State University, where she served as Professor of History and the Coordinator of the Graduate Programs in History. Terborg-Penn has published over 40 articles and seven books, including African American Women in the Struggle for the Vote, 1850 to 1920, and Women in Africa and the African Diaspora: A Reader, co-edited with Andrea Benton Rushing. Currently, she is working on an Alexander Street Press digital project with Kitty Sklar and Thomas Dublin. The project, "The Writings of Black Women Suffragists, 1830-1970," in Woman and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000," is based on the writings of African American woman suffragists listed in Terborg-Penn's dissertation appendices.
Terborg-Penn was a co-founder and the first National Director of the Association of Black Women Historians (ABWH), and a founding Executive Committee member of the Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora (ASWAD). In 2010, Terborg-Penn completed a two-year term on the Executive Board of the Association of Caribbean Historians.
In 2008, Terborg-Penn received the Association for the Study of African American Life and History’s Carter G. Woodson Scholar’s Medallion. In 2010 the Southern Historical Association awarded her the John Blassingame Prize for Distinguished Scholarship and Mentorship in African American History. She received her most recent honor in 2012, The Association of Black Women Historians’ Letitia Woods Brown Prize for the Best Article published about Black Women in 2011.
*Since the NEH was founded, the agency has awarded more than $171 million to nearly three thousand projects on African American history and culture. Terborg-Penn has been a recipient of NEH funding.
AFFILIATION: Morgan State University
Website: http://bwhxg.org/terborg-penn/