
T. Ruby Patterson-Myers photo

T. Ruby Patterson-Myers

Saturday, May 2110:35 - 12:20 PM

Session 6

Internationalization of African American Politics and Culture

T. Ruby Patterson-Myers is Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in African American and Diaspora Studies and the Callie House Research Center for the Study of Global Black Cultures and Politics at Vanderbilt University. She is also Director of Undergraduate Studies and an affiliated member of the Department of History and the Center for Latin American Studies. Publications include Zora Neale Hurston and the History of Southern Life, “Diaspora and Beyond: The Promise and Limitations of Black Transnational Studies in the United States” in Les diasporas dans le monde contemporain Un etat des lieux ed. by W. Berthomiere and C. Chivallon; co-author with Robin D.G. Kelley of “Unfinished Migrations: Reflections on the African Diaspora and the Making of the Modern World,” in the African Studies Review and “Obama and the Politics of Anger” in Obama, Clinton, and Palin: Historical Perspectives, edited by Liette Gidlow. She is co-editor with Tracy Sharpley-Whiting of the journal Palimpsest: a journal on women and gender in the black international, (2011-2015). Research projects include a study of Zora Neale Hurston in the Caribbean and the African diaspora as world history. Teaching includes comparative slavery, colonial and decolonial movements, gender and race and global Africa. 

AFFILIATION: Vanderbilt University